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Veterans Day Flag Build: A Day of Reflection and Learning at Round Hill Elementary

Veterans Day Flag Build: A Day of Reflection and Learning at Round Hill Elementary

This Veterans Day, we had the honor of visiting Round Hill Elementary School in Virginia, where I shared not just the process of flag-making but the profound meanings behind the flag with a group of second graders. For me, the American flag symbolizes the core values of our nation—liberty, justice, and the unyielding spirit of those who've served. It was a day filled with earnest discussions, hands-on learning, and a shared appreciation for what it means to be an American.

We started by exploring the significance of Veterans Day, focusing on the dedication and sacrifices of our nation's veterans. It was important to convey to the students that the freedoms we enjoy every day come at a cost, a reality that veterans and their families live with.

As we transitioned into the flag-building workshop, I emphasized that each stripe and star on the flag they were creating represents key aspects of our nation's history and the principles we stand for. The activity became more than just assembling pieces of wood; it became a lesson in patriotism, respect, and gratitude.

I also took a moment to share what the flag means to me personally. As a veteran, the flag is a reminder of the brothers I served with, the challenges we faced together, and the commitment we shared to protect our country. It stands as a symbol of the unity and resilience that define us as Americans, regardless of our diverse backgrounds and beliefs.

During the day I also got the opportunity to dedicate a Liberty flag to the school, a lasting emblem of our collective values and the discussions we shared. This flag, now proudly displayed at the school's entrance, serves as a daily reminder to students and staff of what it means to be part of this great nation.

Spending Veterans Day at Round Hill Elementary was a deeply rewarding experience. It reinforced my belief in the importance of educating our youth about the values our flag represents and the significance of service. As we continue to navigate the complexities of our world, it's crucial that we remember and teach these lessons of courage, sacrifice, and patriotism.

At Flags of Valor, we're committed to more than just crafting flags; we're dedicated to fostering a deeper understanding and respect for what it means to be an American. My hope is that the students of Round Hill Elementary carry the lessons from this Veterans Day forward, cherishing the flag not just as a symbol, but as a reminder of the ideals we all strive to uphold.

Brian Steorts

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